Fragrance On Demand


In a day and age where you can stream live music, select your favorite movie in the comfort of your home, and pretty much have the world available thru an app or device, isn’t it time we put away the candles and wax warmers of the past? Well, that time is now! 2003 called and they want their wax warmers back. This is 2017 and the candle of the future has arrived. The AirMoji fills your surrounding area using a MojiPod with a wood fiber core that is saturated with luxury fragrance or essential oils. Yes, you read that right! You can get your all natural fragrance with our essential oils and get all of the aromatherapy value as well! MojLife has given us Fragrance On Demand! Finally a device has caught up to this day and age. There is an app that is programmable and connects via Bluetooth… fragrance on demand! Set your schedule and set it and forget it. No more wasting scent in the middle of the night because you forgot to switch off the wax warmer! No more stress because you forgot to blow out the candle and are worried about a fire! No more wax accidents and wax catastrophes! No more mess! No more being limited by a cord. Fragrance on demand also means that the AirMoji comes with a rechargeable battery and so you are no longer tied down with that anchor cord. It is portable, rechargeable, and highly enjoyable with quality fragrances that will take you to a childhood memory or whisk you away to your favorite destination. Fragrance On Demand also means efficient and that means cost effective! Contact us today to join the future of fragrance and get your AirMoji. Our bet is you won’t be disappointed. Fragrance will never be the same!