MojiLife’s newest product is here! Introducing Aromatherapy Inhaler Sticks. Designed to be taken on the go, for those moments when you need to “Breathe” or “Relax.” Each Inhaler stick has an inner core saturated with pure essential oils. Simply twist open the cap and inhale deeply for 2-3 seconds under each nostril as needed. Need a quick energy boost? “Breathe” was designed just for that. Are you feeling stressed and need some help calming your mood? The Lavender in “Relax” will do the trick! Replace the cap when not in use.


The Eucalyptus used in the “Breathe” Aromatherapy Inhaler stick comes from Australia and is extracted using the steam distillation process. Aromatherapists use Eucalyptus for improving the respiratory system. It is also known as a great oil for mental stimulation and acuity!


The “Relax” Aromatherapy Inhaler stick contains Lavender originating from Bulgaria and is also extracted using steam distillation. Lavender is used to help relax and calm your mood. It is also know to relieve headaches as well as PMS systems.

MojiLife has created this product for YOU! Yet another way to allow you to Enjoy Every Moment!