Yesterday marks the first day of Spring, and today also happens to be National Fragrance Day! You many not realize the role that scents and fragrances play in your life, but if you pay close attention you may find that different smells allow you to experience a variety of emotions. Whether it be the familiar smell of freshly cut grass on a Saturday morning, the smell of coconut and pineapple to take you back to that tropical vacation you took years ago, or the warm and inviting smell that reminds you of your childhood home, fragrances have a way of connecting to your memory.  Your sense of smell is a powerful tool. A good fragrance can create an inviting atmosphere in your home, brighten your mood, and even transport you back in time.

MojiLife’s new Spring Fragrances are fresh, clean and a perfect way to welcome in the new season! “Clothesline” brings the fragrance of clean linens dried after a day of dancing in the sun.

Experience the calming scent of white flowers and driftwood nestled by a flowing waterfall with “Waterfall Mist.” 

MojiLife offers a fragrance for everyone! No matter your mood, style, or scent preference there is a fragrance pod you are guaranteed to love. We want you to experience the fragrance like you never have before. In honor of National Fragrance Day we want you to find your perfect fragrance. Open up your favorite MojiLife fragrance pod, sit back and enjoy!