Essential Oils

Why essential oils? Aromatherapy with essential oils has been used since ancient times. Essential oils are small organic molecules that can change quickly from a solid or liquid state to a gas at room temperature. This allows them to move quickly through the air and interact with the olfactory sensors in your nose – making them ideal for aromatherapy. Essential oils are extracted directly from the flowers, fruit, leaves, seeds, roots, or bark of plants and trees. By concentrating the oils, you are separating the most potent healing compounds into a single oil. Because they are highly concentrated, a small amount can have powerful results. MojiLife uses 100% pure, undiluted essential oils. The essential oils are infused into our wick for effortless aromatherapy use. Essential oils have been used for centuries to help relax, uplift, invigorate, and purify. With MojiLife Essential Oils, you can continue this long held tradition in your home or office.